Wednesday, Jul 31, 2024

We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool

Blanketed in white, our beloved Snowfields smile down on us all. We celebrate winter by playing in the snow!

Winter sports are an incredible source of fun and we, at Sports for Winter, revel in it all.

Snowboarders, skiers, and any other sport involving snow; we welcome them one and all!

Boundless energy and enthusiasm drive us as we dance across the slopes. Carving tracks into the snow, leaving nothing but ripple-like trails behind us is bliss.

Our alliance of winter sports lovers stands firmly united by the same cause: to enjoy the winter season with no restrictions or inhibitions whatsoever.

Heads held high, our passion radiates from within—a contagious rush of pure bliss! Wintersports seekers yearning for even more—join us today!

More hands make light work indeed and we’ll be able to double our efforts instantly. Strengthened by sheer numbers not just for this season but for years to come.

Sports for Winter will soon become colossal, with nations worldwide flocking together in unity! If you’re a snowboarder or skier yourself then don’t wait for another second—unite with us now!

Be part of something bigger than yourself; something unique and special that brings people together through joyous winters wherever they may be located. Create unparalleled experiences during snowy days as we glide, soar and fly over majestic trees deep in wondrous forests right here at home or even abroad if you wish!

We invite everyone to join in on the fun; to freely share their love & knowledge along the way too! Laughing together as ribs ache with pain during those steep exits after an exhilarating ride downwards — becomes a shared experience evident at its best within the Sports For Winter community!-- A passionate comradery where we strive continuously towards endless adventure throughout wintry days!

Our journey has only just begun so why stay behind? Discover your true potential; embark on a precious journey like never before. So what are you waiting for? Join like-minded kitesurfers & snow seekers from around the globe today—everything starts here with the Sports For Winter alliance so seize this chance & be a part of it all now!

If you like to contribute to our blog email us at [email protected] for more information!

We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best area to ski?

Iceland is the only place you will find a lot of winter wonderlands. Iceland is located in Northern Europe and receives more sunshine during the day than most other locations. It also gives visitors the opportunity to enjoy nature at its best. From glaciers to volcanoes and waterfalls to geysers, Iceland is a natural paradise for anyone seeking adventure.

Here are some reasons Iceland may be your new favorite destination if you haven't yet decided whether to go on your next vacation.

  1. The scenery. National Geographic called Iceland "a land full of fire and ice." This tiny island nation is home of many active volcanoes including Mount Hekla, which is one the largest ever recorded. Iceland is famous for its beautiful landscapes. Whether you explore the country on foot or take a helicopter ride over the lava fields, you will surely feel like you're living in another world!
  2. Icelanders are known for their friendly and warm nature. International tourists are welcomed to Iceland with open arms. Visitors are often greeted with the traditional Icelandic greeting Hvalur Hjarta ("Warm heart") The locals love to show their guests around their beautiful country as well as sharing stories about the history of their homeland.
  3. The wildlife: You may think Iceland is desert. Iceland's lush green forests are a result of its lack of rainfall. The mountains of Iceland are home to many birds, animals, fish, as well as insects. Many plants from North America were brought to Iceland by early settlers.
  4. The culture - Iceland has a rich history that dates back thousands years. The locals are proud to be part of this culture. Iceland does not have any casinos or shopping centers. However, tourism is a major part of the country's economy. It's not expensive to travel here - many tourists report that they spend less in Iceland than Las Vegas.
  5. The Cuisine - What would a list of reasons to travel to Iceland be without talking about the local cuisine? Icelanders are famous for their rich, hearty meals that include seafood, lamb, reindeer meat, as well as vegetables. While visiting Iceland, tourists don't have to only eat Icelandic foods. Restaurants worldwide offer Icelandic cuisine. French restaurants may offer chicken soup made from puffin eggs; Italian restaurants might serve salmon-topped pasta.
  6. The nightlife – You may think Iceland is just a quiet getaway spot. But, you would be wrong. Icelanders should be prepared to stay up until the wee hours of the morning when they visit. You can find bars and clubs that keep you entertained during the week and on weekends.
  7. The weather – Although Iceland is subject to extreme temperature fluctuations, it has a mild and stable climate. Because of this, travelling to Iceland isn't going to break the bank. The Reykjavik Grapevine Festival is one of the largest music festivals in Northern Hemisphere. This festival attracted over 100,000 people last year.
  8. Safety - Iceland may be considered safe but there are precautions you can take to avoid being in danger. Avoid expensive jewelry, particularly diamonds. Don't leave valuables in public places. You should also ensure that someone knows where your destination is if you plan on hiking in the countryside.
  9. Education - Icelandic language students can use their knowledge to help others. Participating in Icelandic politics will allow you to learn more about the culture.
  10. Freedom - Iceland has become increasingly popular among travelers because of its liberal policies. It was necessary to pass legislation that would prohibit police officers from asking too many question. They're not after anyone who breaks laws but after tourists who may inadvertently violate some rules.
  11. The environment - Because Iceland is such an isolated island, it has remained relatively untouched by humans. This gives the country natural beauty of a different kind. Iceland has a very low level of modern civilization compared to other European countries. The entire island could be walked across in less than two days.
  12. Iceland's health care system is excellent and the prices for medical services are usually very reasonable.

What is the best place in America to spend winter?

There are three regions in the United States that have more snowfall than others. Each region offers its own unique experience for skiers and snowboarders.

Some of the largest ski resorts in the country are located in the Midwest, such as Mt. Brighton (Michigan), Crystal Mountain Resort (Minnesota), and Breckenridge Ski Resort (Colorado).

There are many small villages and towns in Northeast such as Stowe, Vermont and Killington, Vermont.

Finally, there's Whistler Blackcomb in British Columbia and Sun Valley in Idaho.

Some of the largest ski resorts in the country are located in the Midwest. These resorts offer a variety ski trails for all levels of skill, as well other winter activities such snowshoeing/ice skating. The Midwest offers more affordable lodging than other regions.

The Northeast is known for its small and intimate ski resorts. You can also find some of the finest powder skiing in the nation. The Northeast is the best place to find true winter wonderland experiences.

The Pacific Northwest offers something different in terms of winter experiences. You'll find both large resorts offering a wide range of trails and smaller, more remote resorts. Some of the most beautiful backcountry skiing is found in the Pacific Northwest.

Winter travel doesn't require a lot of money. You could stay in one of the many hostels scattered around major cities like New York or San Francisco.

A hostel usually offers dormitory beds. They are inexpensive so they won’t break your bank. Book early to secure a bed near your door.

Staying in a hotel is a great way to indulge. You can book a hotel with private rooms or breakfast. You can save even more money by booking a room through sites like Priceline or Airbnb.

Which five cities are the best to visit in winter?

  1. Paris, France
  2. Vienna, Austria
  3. New York City USA
  4. Quebec City, Canada
  5. Tokyo, Japan

Where is winter always?

It is winter everywhere in the southern half of the hemisphere. The tilt of the Earth on its axis causes the southern hemisphere to be tilted away towards the sun in winter. This makes it cooler and allows less sunlight to reach the ground. It is always summer in the northern part of the hemisphere. Because of Earth's tilt on its center, the northern hemisphere has a tilt toward the sun in the summer months. This makes it more warm and allows more sunlight to reach it.

Why should you visit Canada in Wintertime if you like snow?

If you are a snow lover, there are many reasons why wintertime in Canada is the best season to visit. The country looks stunning when it's covered with sparkling white snow. It's also the perfect time to enjoy some of Canada's most popular winter activities, like skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating. A winter wonderland is a magical place to spend Christmas.

We can assure you that a Canadian winter vacation will be unforgettable. Whistler Blackcomb and Banff National Park are just some of the must-see places in Canada during winter. Pack your warmest clothing and be ready to experience all this country has to provide!

Where to Go in Norway During Winter?

Nothing is better in winter than sitting down and listening to music or reading books.

Going on snowy walks is an even better way to have fun. To ensure you don't miss any of these activities, we have created a list with the top places in Norway to go during winter.

For those who prefer to stay indoors there are plenty of cozy cafes where you can enjoy a hot drink while taking in the beautiful scenery. For those who prefer to exercise outdoors, there are many areas that you can walk, jog or ski in.

Sledding is likely the most popular winter activity. You will find many public areas to sled down such as parks and ski resorts. Private areas are available for rent if you prefer to ride your own sled.

Norway is known for its national parks and nature reserves. These natural settings offer stunning views and many outdoor activities. Lofoten Islands National Park in Svalbard Nature Reserve, Tromsoe Lake and Tromsoe Lake are three of the most visited.

Norway's winter months make skiing a popular choice. Ski rentals and lessons are offered by many ski resorts, for both beginners as well as advanced skiers. There are many trails to explore in the country that you can use if you don't have skis.

Apart from the activities listed above, there are numerous museums and cultural center located all across the country. From art galleries to historical sites, there is something for everyone.


  • Although 99 percent of Antarctica is covered with ice, the landscape remains amazingly diverse, with surreal blue glaciers, active volcanoes, the rough waterways of the Drake Passage, and 360-degree views of untouched snow. (
  • There are over 6,000 kilometers of groomed snowmobile trails in Montana - and a good percentage of those are located inside Yellowstone National Park. (
  • During the winter season, almost 80% of the sea gets covered with drift ice. (
  • Traverse City may be known as the Cherry Capital of the World (fun fact: 74 percent of the country's tart cherries are grown in and around Traverse City), but when the snow falls, the popular summer spot turns into a winter wonderland. (

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How To

Top 10 places to visit in the Winter

The Alps Mountains top, where every year snows, is the most beautiful location in the entire world. The weather is often cold and snowy so bring warm clothes and boots. There are many things to do there, such as skiing, sledding, ice skating, tobogganing, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, sled dog racing, and much more. The beauty of the landscape and stunning views are just a few of the many things you can do there. It's a must-go destination!

Yellowstone National Park, located in the northern part of the United States, is the second-most beautiful place in all of the World. This park has impressive geysers. Hot springs, waterfalls. Mountains, lakes and forests. Wildlife is also found here. It is an ideal place for hiking, fishing and horseback riding.

Alaska is the third-most beautiful place on the planet in winter. The state boasts stunning landscapes, including fjords, tundra, islands and mountains, as well as spectacular scenery. Even though it's cold, the scenery is beautiful in winter. Here you can find many outdoor activities, such as snowshoeing or ice climbing, dog riding, snowmobiling, and more.

Iceland is the fourth most beautiful country in the world. This island is one among the European countries. The Atlantic Ocean is surrounded with volcanoes and waterfalls, black sands.

Finland is the fifth-most beautiful place on earth. It is a country located in Northern Europe that is landlocked. It borders Sweden to its east, Norway to its north, Russia to Russia to the west and Estonia to the south. The southwest border is Poland. It's a land filled with lakes, rivers and taiga woods. The Gulf Stream makes this a great place to sail.

Canada is the sixth most beautiful place to visit on the Earth during winter. It borders the United States and Mexico to the west. The Arctic Ocean to Canada is to the north. Its diverse geography ranges from lowland plains to high alpine peaks, deep valleys, rugged coastlines, and plateaus.

New Zealand is the seventh most beautiful country on Earth. It is composed of two main island groups: South Island and North Island. The Pacific Ocean lies to its southeast, while Australia is located to its east. The Indian Ocean lies to the northwest, while Micronesia (Polynesia) and Micronesia are located to the northeast and north. Antarctica lies to the west.

Japan is the eighth-most beautiful country on Earth. It is located within East Asia. China and Korea lie to the north, while the Russian Far East (Mongolia) and the Russian Far East (Russia) are to the east. Taiwan is to the south, while the Philippine Islands are to the west.

The ninth most beautiful place on earth to visit during winter is Greenland. It is a self-governing territory in Denmark. This northern region is covered in ice sheets that melt in the fall.

Switzerland is the tenth most beautiful country on Earth to visit in winter. It is a tiny European country covering 33,000 miles. Many people believe that Switzerland is best known for its chocolate and cheese-making heritage. However, you may not realize that Switzerland is also a great place to ski and snowboard. Zermatt is home to some of the most popular ski resorts: Verbier, Verbier and St Moritz.


We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


RETURNING VISITORS TAKE THE DOGS FOR A WALK Thank you so much Sabrina, Marco, Bianca and Florian for coming back to volunteer and the gifts you brought over

We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


Plan and book Whistler vacations including lift tickets, ski rentals, snowboard rentals, and Whistler accommodations. Plus view Whistler web cams, snow rep

We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool



We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


From Prague to Ottawa, these 10 cities around the world shine in winter. So pack your coats and plan for a winter holiday!

We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


Vancouver is a popular place to visit all year round even in winter! Here, I share the 33 best things to do in Vancouver in winter!

We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


Need a break from the winter blues in your hometown? It might be time for a winter vacation. Whether you’re desperate for the snowy slopes of Colorado or in

We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


Vail: Colorado Ski Resort | Like nothing on earth.

We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


Switzerland is the ultimate ski and snowboarding destination in the world!

We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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We built a GIANT WATERPARK in our backyard | waterslides, dunk tank, obstacle course, pool


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